A change in perspective allows for a more well-rounded viewpoint in almost any situation and will possibly give you a completely different way of seeing something. A new perspective on something can broaden your frame of mind and give you new ways of seeing the bigger picture



The Game theory is a mathematical theory that is used to describe the rational choices that players make when they find themselves in a situation in which they must interact strategically, i.e. when a player can influence the behavior/outcome of another player. A game can be described in terms of strategies, which players must follow in their moves: the balance is there, none when they manage to unilaterally improve their behavior. To change, we need to act together.

More and more digital marketers have realized that different types of content can:
- educate,
- inform,
- amuse,
- attract visitors,
- convert them,
- increase turnover,
- transform customers into ambassadors of their products or services,
and they also understood that designing, creating and managing content of value in terms of conversion and storytelling must be part of any integrated communication plan.

Three facts that don't need much comment:
- 81% of shoppers search online before entering any store.
- Consumers spend approximately 79 days researching online before purchasing.
- 70% of potential customers appreciate all the content that helps them learn more about a brand.
Being on the web with a showcase site is no longer enough: your company can gain a competitive advantage by publishing quality content to acquire new customers and retain the ones you already have.

What are our duties? Content marketing manager
Dealing with the design and management of content, which can be text, video, images, it goes without saying that he has a broad knowledge of the internet. He often works side by side with the web master or the web designer, knows the writing techniques of seo copywriting, plans marketing strategies after analyzing data and statistics. In short, a good content marketing manager does not work for "sealed compartments" but must have an overview to master complex integrated communication projects.
Comparing himself with other professionals, he has certainly developed organizational skills and a great deal of self control.
A little creative, a little technical, the professional content marketing manager masters the narrative techniques of storytelling with which he tells and traces the stories of your brand, attracting the attention of the target audience, exciting and involving them effectively.
An involved reader can respond positively to a call to action, whether it be enrolling in a course, purchasing a new product, booking a trip.